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March 29th, 2011

Is the ISPGR XX conference going to happen?

Despite the disaster, the international congress of posture and gait research (Akita, Japan) is still scheduled…but for how long?

On March 23rd, the president of the ISPGR released a note to all members about the congress:

Dear friends and colleagues, 

On behalf of the board of the ISPGR, I want to give you an update about the current situation with regard to the XX ISPGR Conference that is scheduled to be held in Akita – Japan, June 18-22, 2011. Yesterday the board of the ISPGR convened in a teleconference to discuss several options. We are thankful that the situation seems to be improving somewhat, although the circumstances in particular with respect to the nuclear plant remain uncertain. We appreciate the concerns of delegates who have expressed doubts whether or not they should attend the meeting.