AMTI Research Archive
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December 15th, 2014
Knee and hip internal moments and upper-body kinematics in the frontal plane in unilateral transtibial amputees
Equipment used: 2 AMTI Force Plates
Francisco Molina Rueda, Isabel Mª Alguacil Diego, Alberto Molero Sánchez, María Carratalá Tejada, Francisco Miguel Rivas Montero, Juan Carlos Miangolarra Page, Knee and hip internal moments and upper-body kinematics in the frontal plane in unilateral transtibial amputees, Gait & Posture, Volume 37, Issue 3, March 2013, Pages 436-439
Keywords: Biomechanics; Frontal plane; Kinetics; Motor control; Three-dimensional gait analysis; Transtibial amputees